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June 2020
June pretty much starts out with the United States in complete chaos. A number of cities have been burning as a result of continuing riots and protests over the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on May 25 (which became known as the Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests). The number of COVID-19 cases are increasing by well over 1000 new cases per day, and the John Hopkins tracking system registered a grim milestone of 100,000 deaths attributed to COVID-19 on May 28. This should be taken in the context that several studies indicate the US is under-counting COVID-19 deaths by as much as 40 percent.
Meanwhile, the economy is beginning to resemble that of the 1930’s Great Depression. While the number of new unemployment claims are decreasing from their peak in early April, more than one million people continue to file first-time claims each week. Some businesses are re-opening, but few people are out buying anything non-essential.
President Trump’s response is to disband the Coronavirus Task Force and concentrate on “re-opening America.” His reported focus is on his re-election coming up in November.
The BLM protests decreased in violence during the month as police increasingly kept their distance, but continued in various places across the US. Meanwhile, states that had “re-opened” early without enforcing social distancing and masks began seeing massive increases in the number of new coronavirus cases. By the end of June, several states that had opened early, notably Texas and Florida, started scaling back by re-closing some public facilities.
Collectively, the number of new cases drove the overall coronavirus case numbers for the US to new heights. By the end of June, the US had the single highest counts for coronavirus cases and trends indicated the spread was out of control. The European Union listed the United States as one of four countries that would be banned from entering when they reopen borders for international travel on July first.
Chart of Daily Confirmed New Coronavirus Cases – Three Day Rolling Average (Our World in Data)
June 1

Global Cases: 6,057,853 | Global Deaths: 371,166
June 2

Global Cases: 6,194,533 | Global Deaths: 376,320
June 3

Global Cases: 6,287,771 | Global Deaths: 379,941
June 4

Global Cases: 6,416,828 | Global Deaths: 382,867
June 5

Global Cases: 6,535,354 | Global Deaths: 387,155
June 6

Global Cases: 6,663,304 | Global Deaths: 392,802
June 7

Global Cases: 6,799,713 | Global Deaths: 397,388
June 8

Global Cases: 6,931,000 | Global Deaths: 400,857
June 9

Global Cases: 7,039,918 | Global Deaths: 404,396
June 10

Global Cases: 7,145,539 cases | Global Deaths: 408,025
June 11

Global Cases: 7,273,958 | Global Deaths: 413,372
June 12

Global Cases: 7,410,510 | Global Deaths: 418,294
June 13

Global Cases: 7,553,182 | Global Deaths: 423,349
June 14

Global Cases: 7,690,708 | Global Deaths: 427,630
June 15

Global Cases: 7,823,289 | Global Deaths: 431,541
June 16

Global Cases: 7,941,791 | Global Deaths: 434,796

June 17

Global Cases: 8,061,550 | Global Deaths: 440,290
June 18

Global Cases: 8,242,999 | Global Deaths: 445,535
June 19

Global Cases: 8,385,440 | Global Deaths: 450,686
June 20

Global Cases: 8,525,042 | Global Deaths: 456,973
June 21

Global Cases: 8,708,008 | Global Deaths: 461,715
June 22

Global Cases: 8,860,331 | Global Deaths: 465,740
June 23

Global Cases: 8,993,659 | Global Deaths: 469,587
June 24

Global Cases: 9,129,146 | Global Deaths: 473,797
June 25

Global Cases: 9,296,202 | Global Deaths: 479,133
June 26

Global Cases: 9,473,214 | Global Deaths: 484,249
June 27

Global Cases: 9,653,048 | Global Deaths: 491,128
June 28

Global Cases: 9,843,073 | Global Deaths: 495,760
June 29

Global Cases: 10,021,401 | Global Deaths: 499,913
June 30

Global Cases: 10,185,374 | Global Deaths: 503,862
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Working Notes
My working notes used to build the timeline events are available for download under a creative commons license
Meaning Of Icons
Meaning of icons used in the main timeline narrative. All icons are linked to their source reference: General Information
Continuation of previous information, with a different reference
State-of-Emergency or Stay-At-Home Declared or Rescinded
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– Move your mouse over a boldened acronym, name, or term, used in this timeline for an Link for a Download File
Trump Twitter Tweets Defunct
This timeline cites a number of Twitter Tweets including those of then-President Trump. On January 8, 2021, Twitter deactivated President Trump’s Twitter account. This caused the citation links to become inactive.
Data Source for COVID-19 Cases in the United States
Starting this month I’m drawing my COVID-19 data for cases in the United States from the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Situation Report. In prior months I was drawing this data from the Wikipedia: COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. News sources are using the database maintained by John Hopkins University. I had chosen Wikipedia as my source as it provides historical data, whereas the John Hopkins data source only provides a daily snapshot. However, the Wikipedia data was increasingly out of alignment with other data sources on the low end, and does not appear to be accurately maintained.
As a result of this change in my data sources there is a large jump from May to June. When I have the time, I will go back and update previous months data for the United States.
Timeline Source Data File
I built this timeline from a set of working notes in spreadsheet format. At present, my working notes have 1247 news entries, in addition to other references that form my “Additional Reading” sidebar entries, and other source references. Not all these news items are published in this timeline, for various reasons. My notes are freely available under a Creative Commons license (BY SA) to any writer or researcher who finds this work useful.
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Coronavirus-Free Countries
As of June 8, there are nine counties that report being Coronavirus -free, that formerly reported cases. These countries are: New Zealand – The South Pacific nation, with a population of five million, has had 1,154 confirmed Covid-19 cases and 22 deaths. There have been no new infections for 17 days (June 8).
Tanzania – The President claimed that his country is free of the coronavirus because of the power of prayer. However, the claim came six weeks after the African nation stopped publicly updating virus data. On 29 April, the last day official data was released, there were 509 cases, with 21 deaths (June 7).
The Vatican – There were 17 confirmed cases of coronavirus among the Vatican’s residents and employees; there were no associated deaths. All those infected tested negative (June 6).
Fiji – Declared itself free of the coronavirus after all 18 people who tested positive have recovered (June 5).
Montenegro – The prime minister declared the country coronavirus-free, a move vital for its Adriatic tourism industry, coming 69 days after it reported its first case and after 20 without a new case (May 24).
Seychelles – After 9 weeks of tirelessly battling the deadly Covid-19 worldwide pandemic, the small island holiday destination in the Indian Ocean with a population of less than a hundred thousand inhabitants is Covid-19 Free (May 18).
St Kitts and Nevis – The island of Nevis says it is “free” of the coronavirus after the island, which has a population of around 12,000 people, launched a series of aggressive measures to prevent the spread of the virus.
Timor-Leste – No active cases of covid-19 for the first time since its first confirmed case on March 21. The country has not registered a new case since April 24, despite testing a further 764 people (May 16).
Papua New Guinea – Acting Health Secretary Dr Paison Dakulala reported that all known cases have recovered, but stresses that they don’t know what they are fighting. 2,400 tests have been carried out with the bulk in Port Moresby (May 4).
Global COVID-19 Hotspots
As of June 10, the top COVID-19 Global Hotspots are:
- United States – 1,979,893 Cases
- Brazil – 739,503 Cases
- Russia – 493,023 Cases
- United Kingdom – 290,581 Cases
- India – 276,583 Cases
- Spain – 241,966 Cases
- Italy – 235,561 Cases
- Peru – 199,696 Cases
- France – 191,523 Cases
- Germany – 186,522 Cases
The United States continues to have the highest number of deaths of any country, now standing at 112,006.
Zero Recorded Coronavirus Deaths
Vietnam – one of the first countries to report active coronavirus cases on January 23, as of June 11 there are no reported coronavirus-related deaths despite a population of 96 million, and the economy is expected to grow 5% this year. However, the cost of this record is massive surveillance. Vietnam is described as a “surveillance state, where citizens are monitored online and by “standing armies of neighborhood wardens and public security officers who keep constant watch over city blocks.”
Congressional Letter
Congressional letter from Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) to and demanding answers about the awarding of a non-competitive, multimillion dollar contract for a data collection system that duplicates one already used by the CDC for collecting and disseminating COVID-19 data. Dated June 3.
European Union vs United States COVID-19 Cases
Chart with Explanation
European Union Travel Bans
The European Union prepares to reopen borders on July 1, 2020. This is their list of banned and allowed countries.
European Union Travel Advisories
Email Between Dr. Paul Alexander and Michael Caputo Mocking CDC Scientist
As reported by the New York Times, In late June Dr. Paul Alexander, a science adviser at the , emailed a scathing critique of an interview given by , a senior scientist at the . The email shows how aides in Washington bullied and tried to silence the at the height of the pandemic.
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Congressional Warning Letter
A June 26 letter from House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC), who also serves as the chair of the House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Crisis, warning ranking member Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) that Republicans who refused to wear facial coverings during committee sessions would not be allowed to participate in the sessions.
Congressional Letter on EcoHealth Alliance Grant Cancelation
Commentary By Chris Cuomo
June 30 commentary by CNN journalist Chris Cuomo. Too delicious to pass up.
Additional Reading
A case study published by the
SARS-CoV-2 Transmission and Infection Among Attendees of an Overnight Camp — Georgia, June 2020
Inside President Trump’s Tulsa, Oklahoma Rally
President Trump organized a presidential re-election campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. This was the first major public event since the start of the pandemic shutdown and was held against recommendations from numerous health officials. The rally was a political disaster and in a related event was the cause of Herman Cain’s death one month later. This article takes an inside look at this campaign rally.
Lawsuit Threats, Empty Seats, and a “COVID Mobile”: Trump’s Disastrous Tulsa Rally Was Even More of a Train Wreck Than Originally Thought
Prelude <> Nov/Dec 2019 <> January 2020 <> February <> March <> April <> May <> June <>July <> August <> September <> Source Data