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COVID-19 Timeline Project

Prelude <> Nov/Dec 2019 <> January 2020 <> February <> March <> April <> May <> June <> July <> August <> September <> Source Data

June 2020

June pretty much starts out with the United States in complete chaos. A number of cities have been burning as a result of continuing riots and protests over the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on May 25 (which became known as the Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests). The number of COVID-19 cases are increasing by well over 1000 new cases per day, and the John Hopkins tracking system registered a grim milestone of 100,000 deaths attributed to COVID-19 on May 28. This should be taken in the context that several studies indicate the US is under-counting COVID-19 deaths by as much as 40 percent.

Meanwhile, the economy is beginning to resemble that of the 1930’s Great Depression. While the number of new unemployment claims are decreasing from their peak in early April, more than one million people continue to file first-time claims each week. Some businesses are re-opening, but few people are out buying anything non-essential.

President Trump’s response is to disband the Coronavirus Task Force and concentrate on “re-opening America.” His reported focus is on his re-election coming up in November.

The BLM protests decreased in violence during the month as police increasingly kept their distance, but continued in various places across the US. Meanwhile, states that had “re-opened” early without enforcing social distancing and masks began seeing massive increases in the number of new coronavirus cases. By the end of June, several states that had opened early, notably Texas and Florida, started scaling back by re-closing some public facilities.

Collectively, the number of new cases drove the overall coronavirus case numbers for the US to new heights. By the end of June, the US had the single highest counts for coronavirus cases and trends indicated the spread was out of control. The European Union listed the United States as one of four countries that would be banned from entering when they reopen borders for international travel on July first.

Chart of Daily Confirmed New Coronavirus CasesThree Day Rolling Average (Our World in Data)

June 1

Officials Worry Protest Crowds May Spread Coronavirus. The wave of mass protests across the United States will almost certainly set off new chains of infection for the novel coronavirus, so the country should expect a spike in less than two weeks. The virus seems to spread the most when people yell (such as to chant a slogan), sneeze (to expel pepper spray), or cough (after inhaling tear gas). It is transmitted most efficiently in crowds and large gatherings, and research has found that just a few contagious people can infect hundreds of susceptible people around them. The virus can also spread especially easily in small, cramped places, such as police vans and jails.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the most prominent members of the White House coronavirus task force, said that he has not spoken to or met with President Trump in two weeks. Their last interaction was May 18, when Trump invited Fauci to provide medical context during a teleconference with the nation’s governors. The Task Force last met on May 28 and last held a White House press briefing on May 22.
A company that assists immigrants with their citizenship paperwork estimates over 125,000 people had finished that process and were waiting for their citizenship swearing-in ceremony when USCIS shut down in-person services due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. videoconferencing is nothing new for the federal government when it comes certain procedures. But when it comes to citizenship oaths, the USCIS has so far refused to swear people in by phone or video conference. A delay in completing their citizenship process may cause them to miss voting in the November elections.
Michigan – Stay-at-home order expires. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat, has taken a largely regional approach to reopening, extending the state’s stay-at-home order until June 12 but allowing some industries and business to open in some areas. On June 8, businesses including restaurants will open in all counties.
Number US Cases: 1,734,040 | Number US Deaths: 102,640
Global Cases: 6,057,853 | Global Deaths: 371,166

June 2

Commentary: Tens of millions of Americans are cashless, many desperate to feed their children. Meanwhile the richest Americans merrily float on a rapidly rising tide of money thanks mainly to Trump & Co. An analysis of Federal Reserve data shows a record flow of greenbacks let the corporate rich pour trillions of dollars into their accounts as they fired tens of millions. Now that money just sits, idle.
The Director of Public Health at UCSF, Dr. George Rutherford, states there are three ways large protests could result in a spike of coronavirus cases. First, if masks aren’t worn properly.; Second, if crowds aren’t social distancing.; The third fear revolves around tear gas or pepper spray. “It tends to have people rub their eyes, that’s one of the ways you can take it off a surface.”
Number US Cases: 1,783,638 | Number US Deaths: 104,247
Global Cases: 6,194,533 | Global Deaths: 376,320

June 3

Protests are continuing across the United States – and worldwide – more than a week after the death of George Floyd. Demonstrations on Tuesday were largely peaceful, with occasional but less intense clashes between protesters and law enforcement.
The Trump administration plans to bar Chinese airlines from operating passenger flights to the US starting in mid-June. The move comes after the US Department of Transportation accused China of effectively preventing US carriers from resuming flights to the country. The accusation comes during a tit-for-tat increase in tensions between the two countries.
AMC Theatres, the world’s biggest movie theater chain, announces it has “substantial doubt” it can remain in business after closing locations across the globe during the coronavirus pandemic. “We are generating effectively no revenue,” the company said in a regulatory filing. The chain has serious challenges even if restrictions are lifted, which includes studios holding back new films from being shown.
Rarely has the gap between Wall Street and Main Street felt so wide. The United States is going through its worst race crisis since 1968. Riots have hit cities across the nation. Looting is rampant. President Trump is threatening to use the military to stop the violence. The civil unrest could exacerbate the coronavirus pandemic that has already killed more than 100,000 Americans, which in turn could deepen the economic collapse that has forced more than 40 million people to file for unemployment. Meanwhile US-China relations are imploding, imperiling the trade war ceasefire reached between the world’s two largest economies. One reason Wall Street continues to celebrate, despite the turmoil taking place in its city and others, is the forceful economic rescue mounted by the federal government.
President Trump announces he’s moving the upcoming Republican National Convention from North Carolina over potential coronavirus restrictions. The president said he wants another state to host the Republican convention after North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper (D) wouldn’t make guarantees on lifting social distancing restrictions for the convention.
Icon - reference linkA narrative review from Scripps Research and published in the journal “Anals of Internal Medicine” finds that up to half of all people infected with COVID-19 show no symptoms, and many of them could have lung damage without realizing it. one report author analyzed data of coronavirus patients from around the world and found that 40 to 50% of people who test positive for the virus are asymptomatic. Of these people, in 50 to 100% of the cases a CT scan doing an image of their lungs reveals abnormalities.
Number US Cases: 1,798,330 | Number US Deaths: 105,008
Global Cases: 6,287,771 | Global Deaths: 379,941

June 4

China said it will allow U.S. passenger airlines to resume limited service to China, one day after the Trump administration said it will bar Chinese passenger airlines flying to and from the U.S. starting in mid-June. It’s not immediately clear whether the U.S. will go forward with its ban on Chinese airlines in light of China relaxing its restrictions on U.S. carriers.
Nearly half of commercial retail rents were not paid in May. Companies as big as Starbucks say the financial devastation from the shutdown has left them unable to pay their full property bills on time. Some companies warn they will not be able to pay rent for months. Such retailers as Bed Bath & Beyond, Famous Footwear, H&M, and the Gap, movie theaters AMC and Regal, and gyms like 24 Hour Fitness stopped paying rent entirely in May.
Thousands of U.S. nursing homes are still under-equipped for the continuing Coronavirus onslaught. The data offers a statistical portrait of an industry at the center of the pandemic’s fury still unable to properly care for its 1.4 million residents. Nearly 2,000 facilities reported a shortage of nursing staff and more than 2,200 said they lack enough aides.
Law enforcement agents have seized hundreds of cloth masks that read “Stop killing Black people” and “Defund police” that a Black Lives Matter-affiliated organization sent to cities around the country to protect demonstrators against the spread of COVID-19, a disease that has had a disparate impact on Black communities.
Icon - reference linkThe medical journal Lancet published a statement from the authors of a study showing that hydroxychloroquine was dangerous for hospitalized covid-19 patients, saying they “can no longer vouch for the veracity of the primary data sources” and retracted their report.
Pennsylvania – Stay-at-home order expires. Gov. Tom Wolf, a Democrat, took a county-by-county approach to shutting down before issuing a statewide stay-at-home order on April 1. He is taking a similar approach to reopening, allowing counties to open in phases. By June 5, all of the state will be in some phase of reopening.
Number US Cases: 1,823,220 | Number US Deaths: 106,051
Global Cases: 6,416,828 | Global Deaths: 382,867

June 5

Video Icon President Trump holds an impromptu news conference which covers Coronavirus issues, the George Floyd protests, and the new financial jobs report.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ weekly jobs report shows the US unemployment rate surprisingly fell to 13.3% in May, as the economy gained 2.5 million jobs. It was the largest monthly gain in new jobs since the Bureau started tracking the data series in 1939. The report shows the labor market rebounded from April’s drastic losses when a revised 20.7 million jobs vanished. The unemployment rate last month soared to 14.7% as businesses shut during the coronavirus lockdown.
Paul Krugman tweet on Jobs Report: “I’ve been through a number of episodes over the years in which official numbers tell a story at odds with what more informal evidence suggests; often it turns out that there was something quirky (NOT fraudulent) about the official numbers.”
Joshua Steiner Tweet: “This morning’s reported Unemployment Rate appears to be understated by ~300 bps due to BLS classification errors.” [BLS Image Included]
The number of Floridians dead from COVID-19 nearly doubled since the state entered Phase One of its reopening. Gov. Ron DeSantis announced a limited Phase One reopening beginning at noon on May 4. At that point, Florida’s Department of Health reported 1,399 Floridians had died from the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. On the morning of June 4, the state said 2,607 Florida residents were now dead from the ailment. Phase Two of reopening is planned to start today, which will allow the opening of bars, movie theaters and casinos. Gyms will be allowed to open at full capacity.
Cases of the novel coronavirus continue to grow across the U.S., with over 1.8 million confirmed cases, including over 108,600 deaths, reported as of Friday. Amid the pandemic, the country also faces the threat of a potential second wave of cases among protesters at ongoing mass demonstrations across the nation following the death of George Floyd.
Oregon – Stay-at-home order in effect since March 23. Gov. Kate Brown, a Democrat, approves 35 of 36 counties for reopenings and will allow many of them to reopen movie theaters, bowling alleys, pools and offices.
Number US Cases: 1,837,803 | Number US Deaths: 106,876
Global Cases: 6,535,354 | Global Deaths: 387,155

June 6

US Dept of Labor Report: The total number of people claiming initial jobless benefits for the week ending June 6 was 1.57 million, a decrease of 331 thousand from the previous week.
Commentary: “President Trump declared the pandemic ‘over,’ then used it to justify eliminating environmental and safety rules.”
The Economy Is Experiencing an Epic Collapse of Demand. In normal times, when there is a negative supply shock the pain can be intense for people in sectors directly affected, yet the economy as a whole adjusts. This crisis caused by the Coronavirus is so large and so sudden that the usual adjustment mechanisms aren’t working very well. The result is that what started as a disruption to the supply side of the economy has metastasized into a collapse of the demand side.
Number US Cases: 1,857,872 | Number US Deaths: 107,911
Global Cases: 6,663,304 | Global Deaths: 392,802

June 7

The Coronavirus outbreak is not over. While the outbreak has eased in the Northeast, driving down the overall national numbers, cases have only plateaued in the rest of the country, and they appear to be on the rise in recent days. Twenty-two states reported 400 or more new cases Friday, and 14 other states and Puerto Rico reported cases in the triple digits. Several states—including Arizona, North Carolina, and California—are now seeing their highest numbers of known cases.
A CDC report warns pregnant women might be at increased risk for severe Covid-19 illness. To reduce severe Covid-19–associated illness, pregnant women should be aware of their potential risk for severe Covid-19 illness. Prevention of Covid-19 should be emphasized for pregnant women and potential barriers to adherence to these measures need to be addressed. Hispanic and non-Hispanic black pregnant women appear to be disproportionately affected by SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy.
Number US Cases: 1,886,794 | Number US Deaths: 109,038
Global Cases: 6,799,713 | Global Deaths: 397,388

June 8

President trump press brief: ” we want the continued blanket lockdown to end for the states. We may have some embers or some ashes or we may have some flames coming, but we’ll put them out. We’ll stomp them out. We understand this now. We’ll stomp them out and we’ll stomp them out very, very powerfully.”
Commentary: President Trump’s latest messages on the pandemic are almost indistinguishable from the one he was sending at the very beginning: Everything is under control.
North Carolina is among nearly two dozen states seeing climbing infection rates as they partly reopen their economies. Some of those numbers nationwide reflect increased testing capacity. Still, hospitalizations in North Carolina hit a record high today. The state saw 1,370 new diagnoses confirmed on June 6, a new record.
Coronavirus cases are rising in 20 U.S. States. Updated data shows that health officials in 20 U.S. states have confirmed rising case counts over the past seven days, with sharp spikes reported in North Carolina, Arizona and California. All three states, like most others in the U.S., have recently begun to reopen.
An analysis of tax and securing filings from 60 large national hospital chains that collectively received more than $15 billion of CARES Act funding, reveals a lot of the funding went into the pockets of the CEOs while thousands of employees — health care and support workers — were furloughed, laid off, or had their pay cut. HCA, which received $1 billion in CARES Act funding has received OSHA complaints from staff at 19 hospitals over lack of PPE.
It appears the jobs report has been inaccurate for the last two months. BLS has admitted that government household survey takers mistakenly counted about 4.9 million people as employed, although they were unemployed. Had the mistake been corrected, the unemployment rate would have risen to 16.1% in May. The corrected April figure would have been more than 19.5%—rather than 14.7%.
The U.S. economy ended its longest expansion in history in February and entered recession as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. The Business Cycle Dating Committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research said in a statement its members “concluded that the unprecedented magnitude of the decline in employment and production, and its broad reach across the entire economy, warrants the designation of this episode as a recession, even if it turns out to be briefer than earlier contractions.”
AEG, the parent company of the second-largest concert promoter in America, will significantly cut its staff because of the economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic. In a company-wide memo sent to employees, Chief Executive Dan Beckerman wrote, “This global pandemic has disrupted life for everyone, and the shelter-in-place orders, while critical to flatten the curve, have dealt a devastating blow to our businesses. It is clear now that live events with fans will not resume for many months and likely not until sometime in 2021, so we are faced with no easy options.” The cuts, according to the memo, will include a combination of layoffs, furloughs and salary reductions set to take place July 1.
The last cruise liner still carrying passengers has made its final port of call. After a six-month odyssey around the world, the MV Artania cruise ship tied up in the Germany port of Bremerhaven on Monday, delivering its eight guests to a world vastly changed from the one they set sail in. This ends an epic return voyage from Australia that saw the ship make numerous diversions en route to drop off crew members.
Number US Cases: 1,915,712 | Number US Deaths: 109,746
Global Cases: 6,931,000 | Global Deaths: 400,857

June 9

At least 28 states are not following CDC guidelines on reporting new Covid-19 cases and are under-counting. Half of these states saw the trend of new cases increasing in the last week. Those states are not reporting probable cases, which include cases that show evidence of an infection without the confirmation of a lab test, and cases where coronavirus was listed as a cause or contributing cause of death but are not confirmed with a lab test.
Icon - reference linkThe U.S. center hardest hit by COVID-19 isn’t headline-grabbing New York City; it’s the Navajo Nation in the American southwest. home to approximately 175,000 people, It’s also home to a coronavirus infection rate of more than 3.4% and more than 6,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19, according to the Navajo Nation Department of Health. By comparison, New York state has an infection rate of 1.9%.
Icon - reference linkOf the 376 workers from five Newport’s Pacific Seafood facilities in Oregon tested late last week, 53 employees and 71 locally-based contractors tested positive, according to a statement released by Pacific Seafood. The vast majority — 95% — were asymptomatic. More than 100 workers have been confirmed positive for COVID-19, making it the second-largest workplace outbreak in the state.
New Jersey – Gov. Phil Murphy, a Democrat, lifts the state’s stay-at-home order. He has allowed limited reopenings for certain businesses and industries. A broader reopening is planned for June 15.
Number US Cases: 1,933,560 | Number US Deaths: 110,220
Global Cases: 7,039,918 | Global Deaths: 404,396

June 10

Arizona is one of the 19 states with the trend of new coronavirus cases still increasing. While 24 are trending downward, seven states’ trends are holding steady. At its peak, Arizona’s intensive care unit beds were 78% in use. As of Monday, 76% were occupied. Arizona’s Director of Health Services Dr. Cara Christ asked that hospitals “be judicious” in elective surgeries to ensure bed capacity.
Tens of thousands of Ohioans are being told to repay unemployment benefits. Since March 15, new claims have inundated the unemployment system at a level not seen since the Great Depression. People waited weeks and months to have their claims processed and money disbursed. And an increasing number are being ordered to give it all back. According to the department, since March 15, 23,597 people have accounts listed as overpaid for reasons other than fraud – about 3.5% of the people who have received benefits.
During the height of the pandemic, the VA‘s 170 medical centers were going through 250,000 N95 masks per day. Now, the VA has about a 30-day supply. but it really needs a 60-day supply to address demands as the VA moves to fully reopen its medical centers. To handle a possible second wave of COVID-19, it would need a six-month supply. The VA is currently spending $100 million per month for PPE compared with $10 million per month before the pandemic.
The American Civil Liberties Union, along with two other immigrant advocacy organizations, files the first lawsuit against stringent border restrictions related to coronavirus that largely bar migrants from entering the United States.
President Trump plans to restart his campaign rallies on Juneteenth in Tulsa, Oklahoma, a city with a troubled racial history. President Trump also plans to visit Florida, North Carolina, Arizona and Texas. The President has not held a rally since early March, when all in-person campaign events were halted due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The sign-up page for tickets to President Trump’s campaign rally in Tulsa includes a disclaimer noting that attendees “voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19” and agree not to hold the campaign or venue liable should they get sick.
Virginia – Stay-at-home order expires. Gov. Ralph Northam, a Democrat, announces that most of Virginia would begin phase one of reopening starting May 15, when salons could open by appointment and restaurants and bars could allow outdoor dining in most counties. Phase one reopening excluded Richmond and northern Virginia counties near Washington, D.C. Phase two reopening starts June 12.
Number US Cases: 1,951,096 | Number US Deaths: 110,770
Global Cases: 7,145,539 cases | Global Deaths: 408,025

June 11

Applicants for U.S. citizenship who could not take the oath of allegiance to complete the last step of the citizenship process for months due to the COVID-19 pandemic filed a lawsuit in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania yesterday. The suit asks the federal court to provide them with the ability to immediately take the oath. Delays have occurred throughout the country creating a backlog of thousands who remain waiting to be sworn in as U.S. citizens. Continuing delays may prevent applicant’s from voting in the November elections.
Outbreaks of the novel coronavirus are emerging at U.S. fruit and vegetable farms and packing plants. A rising number of sick farm and packing house workers comes after thousands of meat plant employees contracted the virus and could lead to more labor shortages and a fresh wave of disruption to U.S. food production.
A fresh onslaught of the novel coronavirus is bringing challenges for residents and the economy in pockets across the U.S. The localized surges have raised alarms among experts, even as they’re masked by the nation’s overall case count, which early this week rose just under 1%, the smallest increase since March. “There is a new wave coming in parts of the country,” said Eric Toner, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. “It’s small and it’s distant so far, but it’s coming.” As at least 22 U.S. states experience Covid19 infection spikes, both Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Tedros Adhanom believe the outbreak is far from over.
Stocks post their worst day since March. A somber economic outlook from the US Federal Reserve and the 2 millionth coronavirus case in the United States has investors questioning whether they had boosted the stock market too far, too fast. US stocks plummeted into the close, with all three indexes recording their worst performances since March 16 — when the stock selloff over worries how the pandemic would affect the economy was at its worst. The Dow closed 1,862 points, or 6.9%, lower. The index fell back below 26,000 points for the first time since the start of the month.
Federal officials responsible for spending $660 billion in taxpayer-backed small-business assistance said they will not disclose amounts or recipients of subsidized loans, backtracking on an earlier commitment to release individual loan data. The Small Business Administration has previously released detailed loan information dating to 1991 for the federal 7(a) program, a long-standing small-business loan program on which the larger Paycheck Protection Program is based.
The Republican National Committee announces President Trump’s renomination speech and other convention festivities will move to Jacksonville, Fla., from Charlotte, North Carolina, after the Governor refused to go along with Trump’s demands for a crowded large-scale event amid the coronavirus pandemic. The official announcement caps off an extraordinary search for a last-minute convention site after Trump tweeted on Memorial Day that he wanted to move the convention to a city that would allow him speak in a fully filled arena without wearing a mask.
The country is opening up come what may, despite alarming indications that the coronavirus pandemic is intensifying its assault. Trump says the virus is now reduced to just the “embers” and “ashes” of a spent pandemic as patience for nationwide lock downs fades and states aggressively open up. The facts say the opposite. Another 1,299 Americans died on June 9.
Number US Cases: 1,968,331 | Number US Deaths: 111,978
Global Cases: 7,273,958 | Global Deaths: 413,372

June 12

The White House is floating a theory that travel from Mexico may be contributing to a new wave of coronavirus infections, rather than states’ efforts to reopen their economies. The notion was discussed at some length during a meeting of the administration’s coronavirus task force in the White House Situation Room that focused, in part, on identifying commonalities among new outbreaks.
The White House’s top economic advisers shrugg off concerns of a potential “second wave” of the coronavirus, reflecting President Trump’s eagerness to continue reopening broad swaths of the country even as cases of Covid-19 are spiking in more than a dozen states. Larry Kudlow states “There is no emergency. There is no second wave. I don’t know where that got started on Wall Street.”
In the battle against COVID-19, public health workers spread across states, cities and small towns make up an invisible army on the front lines. But that army is under assault when it’s needed most. Elected officials and members of the public frustrated with the lockdowns and safety restrictions are turning public health workers into politicized punching bags, battering them with countless angry calls and even physical threats. At least 27 state and local health leaders have resigned, retired or been fired since April across 13 states. Public health officials ignored, pressured, or forced out, show that science and public safety is taking a back seat to political expediency.
Number US Cases: 1,988,646 | Number US Deaths: 112,810
Global Cases: 7,410,510 | Global Deaths: 418,294

June 13

US Dept of Labor Report: The total number of people claiming initial jobless benefits for the week ending June 13 was 1.54 million, a decrease of 26 thousand from the previous week.
Beijing, China is in “Wartime Emergency Mode.” After nearly two months without reporting a single local case of the coronavirus, there have been seven new cases in the past three days all of which are connected to the Xinfadi market, the city’s largest wholesale food market. Health officials said Saturday that of the 517 samples that they took from market workers the day before, 45 tested positive for the virus. Authorities are responding with swift and sweeping measures to contain it.
Number US Cases: 2,010,391 | Number US Deaths: 113,757
Global Cases: 7,553,182 | Global Deaths: 423,349

June 14

The coronavirus’ brutal impact on African Americans and other minorities may never be fully known because of consistent gaps in gathering data on race and ethnicity that persist more than four months into the pandemic. Despite rising pressure on the Trump administration to fix the data deficits, 52 percent of reported coronavirus cases in the U.S. are still missing information on race or ethnicity. Recent federal guidance on gathering more of that data through testing won’t start until August.
Icon - reference linkCoronavirus survival comes with a $1.1 million, 181-page price tag. A man who spent 62 days recovering from coronavirus in a hospital. The total tab for his bout with the coronavirus: $1.1 million. $1,122,501.04, to be exact. All in one bill that’s more like a book because it runs to 181 pages.
Icon - reference linkDr. Rebekah Jones has created a new dashboard that looks a lot like the Florida state health department’s, but with key differences that reflect politicized arguments about reopening states. By her dashboard, only two of the state’s 67 counties currently meet the state’s criteria for further easing restrictions.
Icon - reference linkLarry Kudlow said Sunday that the $600 checks being sent to Americans on unemployment as part of coronavirus relief efforts are expected to end in July and called them a “disincentive” for people to get back to work.
Icon - reference linkAt least 42,000 workers remain trapped on cruise ships without paychecks, and some still are suffering from COVID-19, three months after the industry shut down. Earlier this month about 5,200 cruise line workers were flown home to destinations in Europe, South America, the Phillippines, Greece, Dubai, and the United States.
Number US Cases: 2,032,524 | Number US Deaths: 114,466
Global Cases: 7,690,708 | Global Deaths: 427,630

June 15

In a letter to four congressional committee chairs Thursday, two officials in charge of a new government watchdog entity revealed that the Trump administration had issued legal rulings curtailing independent oversight of CARES Act funding. Treasury Department attorneys concluded that the administration is not required to provide the watchdogs with information about the beneficiaries of programs created by the CARES Act’s “Division A.” That section includes some of the most controversial and expensive programs in the coronavirus response efforts, including the administration’s massive bailout for small businesses and nearly $500 billion in loans for corporations.
Vice President Pence encouraged governors to adopt the administration’s claim that increased testing helps account for the new coronavirus outbreak reports, even though evidence has shown that the explanation is misleading, and “encourage people with the news that we’re safely reopening the country”. In at least 14 states the positive case rate is increasing faster than the increase in the average number of tests.
Arizona reports 1,014 new coronavirus cases after numbers continue more than a two weeks climb of increasing high numbers of new cases, deaths and hospitalizations. More than 1,000 new cases have been reported on 10 of the past 14 days, including on the past six days. Gov. Doug Ducey’s stay-at-home order expired just over a month ago.
State governments are facing some of their biggest budget shortfalls on record. With the pandemic and stay-at-home orders forcing precipitous drops in income tax, sales tax and even gas tax revenues, states are facing a projected shortfall of $615 billion over the next three years. States and localities have been forced to furlough or lay off more than 1.5 million workers over the past three months and to weigh far deeper cuts in areas including education in the coming months.
The FDA said it is ending its EUA for chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malaria drugs backed by President Donald Trump to combat Covid-19. The agency determined the drugs were “unlikely to be effective in treating COVID-19 for the authorized uses in the EUA.”
The Board of Governors of the Postal Service select and appoint Louis DeJoy as the 75th Postmaster General.
Puerto Rico – Stay-at-home curfew in effect since March 15 expires.
Number US Cases: 2,057,838 | Number US Deaths: 115,112
Global Cases: 7,823,289 | Global Deaths: 431,541

June 16

In an interview, Dr. Anthony Fauci was asked why government health officials claimed back in February that wearing facemasks wasn’t important for slowing the spread of coronavirus. Dr. Fauci explained “Well, the reason for that is that we were concerned the public health community, and many people were saying this, were concerned that it was at a time when personal protective equipment, including the N95 masks and the surgical masks, were in very short supply. And we wanted to make sure that the people, namely the health care workers who were brave enough to put themselves in harm’s way, to take care of people who you know were infected with the coronavirus and the danger of them getting infected.”
Vice President Mike Pence pens an OpEd announcing the federal government’s “success” in containing the US’s coronavirus epidemic and slamming the press for “sounding the alarm bells over a ‘second wave'” of Covid-19 infections. “Thanks to the leadership of President Trump and the courage and compassion of the American people, our public health system is far stronger than it was four months ago, and we are winning the fight against the invisible enemy.”
Florida’s Department of Health confirms 2,783 additional cases of COVID-19, setting another daily total record high since the start of the pandemic. The state now has a total of 80,109 confirmed cases.
Tweet: Sad day: ARIZONA has crossed the rubicon… its epidemic now exceeds Brazil and Peru to be one of the hardest hit regions in the world. Exceeding all European countries as well. Today: Record cases, record positivity %, record ER, record hospitalizations, record ICU.
A study finds as many as half of coronavirus patients with no symptoms may silently suffer ‘disturbing’ lung damage that leaves them oxygen-deprived without knowing it. Researchers found that as many as 45 percent of people infected with Covid-19 never have traditional signs such as coughing, fever or shortness of breath. More than half of asymptomatic patients in one study group had CT scans with signs of serious lung damage.
The aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman and its strike group of support ships finally arrived home after at least six months at sea. Some of the ships in the carrier group had been deployed since September. Because of Covid-19 concerns, the Navy kept the unexposed sailors at sea an extra two months.
Icon - Information Nevada pauses re-opening
Number US Cases: 2,079,592 | Number US Deaths: 115,484
Global Cases: 7,941,791 | Global Deaths: 434,796
June 17

June 17

Scientists increase America’s Covid-19 death toll forecast by 18% and expect 200,000 fatalities by October – as cases nearly double in Alabama and South Carolina and Miami pauses its reopening due to increase in infections. Florida, California, Georgia and Arizona are among the states forecast to see a surge in deaths in the next three months. Georgia and Missouri saw deaths nearly double in a week as 13 states reported weekly increases in deaths related to Covid-19
Some doctors, hospitals and clinics serving the poorest Americans say they’re still being shut out of coronavirus pandemic financial aid, even though the Trump administration is trying to assist providers like them after weeks of delays. Providers also charge the whole process of applying for coronavirus relief funds was broadly confusing throughout April and May, as HHS announced how the money would be awarded — and days later changed the amount. Now HHS is disqualifying providers who previously received funds — even if it was a minuscule sum — from applying for a new pot of Medicaid-focused dollars.
Hundreds and hundreds of people lined up for two solid days in Lexington, Kentucky, to talk to a state official about their unemployment claims. Lines were divided with people who applied all the way back in March and still haven’t received unemployment benefits were given priority, and then a line for everybody else. Meanwhile, Sen Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is refusing to vote for extended, expanded unemployment benefits which will expire at the end of next month.
Icon - related information Time lapse Twitter video of people in Lexington, Kentucky waiting up to eight hours to talk to a state employee about unemployment claims.
Icon - reference linkWHO announces that the hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) arm of the Solidarity Trial to find an effective COVID-19 treatment is being stopped. The decision was made based on trial findings that showed hydroxychloroquine does not result in the reduction of mortality of hospitalised COVID-19 patients, when compared with standard of care. “Solidarity” is an international clinical trial to help find an effective treatment for COVID-19, launched by the WHO and partners.
More than 77,800 health care workers have tested positive for the coronavirus, and more than 400 have died, according to the CDC, which acknowledges that’s a significant undercount. The nation’s largest nurses union, National Nurses United, puts the total much higher: 939 fatalities among health-care workers. Nurses represent about 15 percent of those deaths.
Icon - Information Oregon pauses re-opening
Number US Cases: 2,098,106 | Number US Deaths: 115,980
Global Cases: 8,061,550 | Global Deaths: 440,290

June 18

In an interview, President Trump insisted that COVID-19 is going away despite the fact that over 20 states are seeing case numbers ramp up. Trump said he doesn’t “even like to talk about” vaccines for the virus “because it’s fading away.”
Florida reported 3,207 additional coronavirus cases on Thursday, the largest single-day count in the state since the pandemic started. Florida’s total reported cases climbed to nearly 86,000. The State has “all the markings of the next large epicenter of coronavirus transmission,” and risks being the “worst it has ever been,” according to projections from a model by scientists at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania.
Oklahoma cases of COVID-19 rise by 450, blowing past the record 259 daily cases reported the day prior, as the surge of infections continued ahead of a massive rally for President Donald Trump and demonstrations set for June 20 in Tulsa. There were two additional deaths, raising the total to 366. The figures were released not long after Oklahoma Republican Governor Kevin Stitt participated at a round-table at the White House and told Trump that Oklahoma was “one of the first states that has safely and measurably reopened.”
The Trump administration has shifted a federal stockpile of emergency medical supplies — a repository of crucial coronavirus-fighting gear — back under the control of federal health officials. The move is part symbol and part substance, restoring the government closer to its normal configuration after the pandemic’s first traumatic months.
The United States in facing a shortage of coins. Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell explains “What’s happened is that, with the partial closure of the economy, the flow of coins through the economy has gotten all — it’s kind of stopped. The places where you go to give your coins, and get credit at the store and get cash — you know, folding money — those have not been working. Stores have been closed,” he said. “So the whole system has kind of, had come to a stop.”
Carnival Cruises announces it plans on disposing of six cruise ships over the next 90 days. They are being retired early due to ongoing losses from the pandemic-driven shutdown.
Number US Cases: 2,126,027 | Number US Deaths: 116,702
Global Cases: 8,242,999 | Global Deaths: 445,535

June 19

WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom believes the although coronavirus infection rates across much of Europe and parts of the United States have begun to fall, the pandemic is continuing to accelerate in other regions of the world. The situation is particularly dire in Latin America, which has become the new epicenter of the pandemic, and where the peak of infections is still weeks away. In India the health ministry reported a record spike in the number of coronavirus cases, bringing the total to nearly 400,000.
The SBA and Treasury Department announce they will release a data set showing which businesses received many taxpayer-funded Paycheck Protection Program loans, walking back an earlier stance that all of the business names would remain hidden because the Trump administration considered them proprietary. The announcement came after several weeks of tense negotiations with congressional leadership, in which members of both parties pressed for some form of disclosure.
Troops and their families based in most states across the country have been given the OK to resume regular travel, except for some states that continue to see troubling rises in coronavirus cases. The domestic travel ban has been in place since March 10.
Capt. Brett E. Crozier, former Captain of the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt, who was removed from his post after ringing alarm bells about a COVID-19 outbreak on board his ship, will not get his job back, according to several reports on the conclusions of a Navy investigation.
Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) issued the following statement today to announce that the association’s ocean-going cruise line members will voluntarily extend the suspension of cruise operations from U.S. ports until 15 September 2020.
Number US Cases: 2,149,166 | Number US Deaths: 117,472
Global Cases: 8,385,440 | Global Deaths: 450,686

June 20

US Dept of Labor Report: The total number of people claiming initial jobless benefits for the week ending June 20 was 1.48 million, a decrease of 60 thousand from the previous week.
Tulsa, Oklahoma, is seeing its highest spike in coronavirus cases, with the number of new cases reached a high of 120, up from 35 at the beginning of the month. Yet President Trump is holding his first re-election rally in three months at a 19,000-person capacity indoor stadium there tonight, an event the CDC labels as the highest risk of any large in-person gathering “where it is difficult for individuals to remain spaced at least 6 feet apart and attendees travel from outside the local area.” Health experts are fearful that the gathering could turn into ground zero for a “Super-spreader event”.
Icon - Video Link During President Trump’s campaign rally in Tulsa Oklahoma, he claims to have ordered testing to slow down to reduce the number of reported cases of Covid-19.
Icon - Video Link During President Trump’s campaign rally in Tulsa Oklahoma, he referrers to the coronavirus as “Kung Flu.”
Icon - reference linkA review by two HHS lawyers report the test kits for detecting the nation’s earliest cases of the novel coronavirus failed because of “likely” contamination at the CDC, whose scientists did not thoroughly check the kits despite “anomalies” during manufacturing. The review does not assign blame to any CDC scientist or official by name.
Icon - reference linkExisting home sales fell 9.7% to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 3.91 million units in May, in all US regions, their lowest level in more than 9-1/2 years. The continued downturn in home sales in May was widely expected, given that the pending home sales report for April represented the largest decline since the National Association of Realtors began tracking data in 2001.
Number US Cases: 2,172,212 | Number US Deaths: 118,205
Global Cases: 8,525,042 | Global Deaths: 456,973

June 21

As Brazil’s confirmed overall death toll from Covid-19 passes 50,000, the virus is scything through the country’s indigenous communities, killing chiefs, elders and traditional healers – and raising fears that alongside the toll of human lives, the pandemic may inflict irreparable damage on tribal knowledge of history, culture and natural medicine.
When India launched its coronavirus tracing app Aarogya Setu in April, it came with a mandatory download order for public sector workers. In Noida, privacy activists mounted a legal challenge to the mandatory download order, and by the end of May it was lifted. They argued that it breached personal liberties protected by a landmark Supreme Court ruling about the right to privacy in 2017.
Number US Cases: 2,208,829 | Number US Deaths: 118,895
Global Cases: 8,708,008 | Global Deaths: 461,715

June 22

Icon - reference linkTweet: REPORTER: Did you really ask to slow down coronavirus testing? TRUMP: “If it did slow down, frankly, I think we’re way ahead of ourselves, if you wanna know the truth. We’ve done too good of a job.”
Icon - related information President Trump Tweet: Cases are going up in the U.S. because we are testing far more than any other country, and ever expanding. With smaller testing we would show fewer cases!
Icon - reference linkThe Trump administration will stop providing money and support for 13 sites across five states which were originally set up in the first months of the pandemic to speed up testing at the local level. Coronavirus cases and hospitalizations are skyrocketing in many states.
Icon - reference linkPublic health workers, already underfunded and understaffed, are confronting waves of protest at their homes and offices in addition to pressure from politicians who favor a faster reopening. More than 20 health officials have resigned, retired or been fired in recent weeks “due to conditions related to having to enforce and stand up for strong public health tactics during this pandemic.”
Icon - reference linkPresident Trump will sign an executive order extending a freeze on green cards and barring most categories of foreign workers through the end of the year. The new order also freezes H-1B visas for highly skilled workers and other temporary work visas. The Trump administration is arguing the immigration restrictions are necessary to protect American jobs during a period of historic unemployment, the result of the country’s lockdown this spring to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Icon - reference linkSenate Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer and Sen. Patty Murray accused the Trump administration of sitting on nearly $14 billion in funds for testing and contact tracing months after it was initially appropriated in April, part of the $25 billion designated to fund testing and contact tracing.
Most people who catch the new coronavirus don’t experience severe symptoms, and some have no symptoms at all. The lucky ones — if you can call them that — recover, but not in the sense that their lives are back to normal. For some, the damage is permanent. Their organs will never fully heal.
Icon - related information Cherie Antoinette Tweet: COVID 19 is the worst disease process I’ve ever worked with in my 8 years as an ICU nurse. When they say “recovered” they don’t tell you that that means you may need a lung transplant. Or that you may come back after d/c with a massive heart attack or stroke bc COVID makes…
Icon - related information …your blood thick as hell. Or that you may have to be on oxygen for the rest of your life. COVID is designed to kill. It is a highly intelligent virus and it attacks everything. We will run out of resources if we don’t continue to flatten the curve. I’m exhausted.
Icon - reference linkAlmost every day since June 3, the state of Florida reported more than 1,000 new cases each day. The Florida Department of Health coronavirus dashboard reaches 100,217 confirmed cases in the state after 2,926 cases were added in the last 24 hours. It marks the fifth-highest one-day total since the state began tracking new cases.
Icon - Information Louisiana pauses further re-opening
Number US Cases: 2,241,178 | Number US Deaths: 119,453
Global Cases: 8,860,331 | Global Deaths: 465,740

June 23

Icon - Video Link Video testimony of Dr Fauci to Congress on the Coronavirus – 25 minutes.
Icon - Video Link Full video testimony of senior administration health experts to Congress – 2hr 25min.
Icon - reference linkDr. Anthony Fauci told the House Energy and Commerce Committee that he and other health officials have not been told to slow coronavirus testing, just hours after President Donald Trump again suggested he had asked for fewer tests.
Icon - reference link The Coronavirus task force confidentially alerted seven states where spikes in cases had put them in the “red zone” of highest virus spread, just a week after Vice President Mike Pence wrote a June 16 op-ed dismissing fears of a “second wave” of the virus as “overblown.”
Icon - reference linkDuring a Congressional hearing on the federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Rep. Marc Veasey (D-Texas) asked Dr. Anthony Fauci why the NIH abruptly canceled funding for EcoHealth Alliance on April 24. The non-profit research organization was working a long-standing, well-regarded research project on bat coronaviruses. Fauci responded to Veasey saying: “It was cancelled because the NIH was told to cancel it.” Fauci later clarified that it was the White House that told the NIH to cancel funding.
Icon - reference linkWhite House advisers are concocting a new campaign to turn the CDC into the latest scapegoat, as coronavirus cases spike in many states and as the U.S. falls behind other countries in combating the virus.
Icon - reference linkDr. Rebekah Jones, fired by the state of Florida after refusing an order to alter COVID data on the state’s website, accuses Florida of falsifying COVID data so they can open for Fourth July weekend.
Icon - related information Tweet: BREAKING: 1 OF 3: Florida announced yesterday they’re not counting the icu bed availability anymore, a key element in keeping things open, so the state can proceed to the next phase by July 4.
Icon - related information Tweet: BREAKING 2 OF 3 I have multiple sources at DOH who have just told me they have been instructed this week to change the numbers and begin slowly deleting deaths and cases so it looks like Florida is improving next week in the leadup to July 4, like they’ve “made it over the hump.”
Icon - related information Tweet: BREAKING 3 OF 3 I’ve independently verified they’ve deleted at least 1200 cases in the last week.They’re only reporting all these cases now so they can restrict reporting next week to make everyone think it’s over. I’ve had two DOH employees in different offices confirm.
Seven states are reporting new highs for current coronavirus hospitalizations – Arizona, Arkansas, California, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas – as the number of infections continues to climb across the South and West. More than 800 covid-19 deaths are reported in the United States, the first time fatalities have increased since June 7.
Saudi Arabia will strictly limit the number of people who can take part in this year’s Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. A ministry statement said that as Covid-19 cases continue to grow globally, and because of the risks of coronavirus spreading in crowded spaces and from other countries, the Hajj will “take place this year with a limited number of pilgrims from all nationalities residing in Saudi Arabia only, who are willing to perform Hajj.”
Number US Cases: 2,268,753 | Number US Deaths: 119,761
Global Cases: 8,993,659 | Global Deaths: 469,587

June 24

Virginia’s 14-member health and safety board voted 9-3 to agree to create workplace safety rules that they would continue to work on and finalize in coming days. The governor’s office said the rules were prompted in large part by the lack of enforcement from the federal agency tasked with upholding workplace safety, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Disney is delaying the opening of its California-based theme parks. The company said its proposed phased opening of its two parks in Anaheim for July 17 would be postponed as state officials will not be issuing theme park reopening guidelines until after July 4. Disney has already reopened parks in Shanghai and Hong Kong and has plans to reopen its Paris and Japan-based locations.
Icon - reference linkOrganizers for the Democratic Presidental convention upended the Democratic National Convention as they told state delegations not to travel to Milwaukee, moved the convention from Fiserv Forum to the nearby Wisconsin Center, and added satellite events around the country.
Icon - reference linkNew York, New Jersey and Connecticut issue a travel advisory that requires people arriving from states with high coronavirus rates to quarantine for 14 days. The advisory applies to Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Utah and Texas. It begins tonight at midnight.
Icon - reference linkThe Dow Jones industrial average fell 710.16 points, or 2.7 percent, settling at 25,445.94 on the day after falling as low as 859. “Wishful thinking has given way to practical reality when it comes to COVID-19,” said Daniel P. Wiener, chairman of Adviser Investments. “Warm weather and a reduction in the rate of deaths does not give people the right to go out and party. They partied, the market partied and the hangover begins.”
Icon - Information Michigan pauses further re-opening
Icon - Information North Carolina pauses further re-opening. Mandates statewide requirement to wear face masks.
Number US Cases: 2,295,272 | Number US Deaths: 120,171
Global Cases: 9,129,146 | Global Deaths: 473,797

June 25

Icon - Video Link Video Clip: Florida’s Anti-Maskers taking a stand. Comments by citizens in Palm Beach County opposed to make wearing face masks mandatory.
Nationwide, almost 40,000 new coronavirus cases are reported, surpassing a previous one-day high on April 24, according to Johns Hopkins University. The country is averaging more new cases per day than ever, with a seven-day average of 33,035.
The number of Americans who have been infected with the novel coronavirus is likely 10 times higher than the number of cases reported, according to the head of the CDC. In a call with reporters Dr. Robert Redfield said, “Our best estimate right now is that for every case that’s reported, there actually are 10 other infections.”
Larry Kudlow said the administration does not anticipate a second wave of the novel coronavirus to hit the United States and that new hotspots popping up across the country are scenarios Americans will “just have to live with.”
The Trump administration asks the Supreme Court to strike down the entirety of the “Obamacare” Affordable Care Act, saying it wrongly limits consumer healthcare choices, raises American’s costs and violates the Constitution.
GAO Report: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress appropriated $2.6 trillion in emergency assistance for people, businesses, the health care system, and state and local governments.According to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, as of April 30, almost 1.1 million payments totaling nearly $1.4 billion had gone to deceased people. GAO recommends that IRS should consider cost-effective options for notifying ineligible recipients how to return payments. IRS agreed with the recommendation.
China’s military has approved a coronavirus vaccine for use for one year within its ranks that has been developed by its research unit and a biotech firm. Hong Kong-listed CanSino Biologics said in a filing to the stock exchange that data from clinical trials showed the Chinese military vaccine had a “good safety profile” and potential to prevent disease caused by the novel coronavirus.
Icon - Information Delaware pauses further re-opening
Icon - Information Idaho pauses further re-opening
Icon - Information New Mexico pauses further re-opening.
Number US Cases: 2,329,463 | Number US Deaths: 120,955
Global Cases: 9,296,202 | Global Deaths: 479,133

June 26

Icon - Video Link The White House Coronavirus Task Force Holds its first press briefing in two months.
Icon - related information Tweet: It really does sound like you’re saying, ‘Do as we say, not as we do.’ You’re telling people to listen to local officials, but in Tulsa you defied local health officials…How can you say that the campaign is not part of the problem?”
The number of new U.S. coronavirus cases reported in a single day hits a new high of least 40,173 new cases, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University. The previous daily high was reported yesterday, June 25.
Icon - related information Tweet: Shows chart of increasing US daily cases.
The European Union is preparing to ban American travelers from entering the bloc when it reopens its borders to the outside world starting July 1, labeling the U.S. along with Russia, Qatar, and Brazil, for their failure to stop the spread of the coronavirus.
The following states report their highest number of new daily cases: Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee Texas, and Utah.
Icon - reference linkDozens of sheriffs across the US are staging rebellions against state government requirements for face masks and social distancing. An adherence to their interpretation of Constitution, they say, comes before any kind of public health advice.
Icon - Information Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) rolls back the state’s phased economic reopening. He orders new restrictions on businesses, including a requirement that bars remain open only for delivery and take-out and requiring local officials to approve any gatherings of 100 people or more.
Icon - related information Tweet: Texas rolls back some reopening measures in effort to contain new coronavirus surge. Includes copy of the governor’s executive order.
Icon - Information Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) rolls back re-opening. Suspends on-premise alcohol consumption at bars statewide due to non-compliance with state guidelines.
Icon - related information New Florida coronavirus cases hit almost 9,000 in just one day.
Icon - related information Tweet: Showing chart of Florida’s daily new cases.
Icon - Information Arkansas pauses further re-opening.
Number US Cases: 2,367,064 | Number US Deaths: 121,645
Global Cases: 9,473,214 | Global Deaths: 484,249

June 27

US Dept of Labor Report: The total number of people claiming initial jobless benefits for the week ending June 27 was 1.43 million, a decrease of 55 thousand from the previous week.
The Trump campaign has postponed Vice President Mike Pence’s campaign events in Florida and Arizona next week “out of an abundance of caution.” Pence will still travel to Dallas, Texas, tomorrow where he will speak at First Baptist Church to participate in a “Celebrate Freedom Rally,” which his office bills as a celebration of American freedom and spirit. He will then meet with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott about Covid-19.
Number US Cases: 2,407,590 | Number US Deaths: 124,161
Global Cases: 9,653,048 | Global Deaths: 491,128

June 28

Vice President Pence implores Americans to wear face masks, practice social distancing and stay away from senior citizens to protect them amid a new spike in coronavirus infections as the United States surpassed 2.5 million confirmed cases. President Trump has frequently ridiculed reporters and others who have worn face coverings during the pandemic.
In an email, senior HHS Department advisor Paul Alexander accused the CDC of “undermining the President” by putting out a June 7 report about the potential risks of the coronavirus to pregnant women. Alexander criticized the agency’s methods and said its warning to pregnant women “reads in a way to frighten women . . . as if the President and his administration can’t fix this and it is getting worse.”
In March the FDA took the unprecedented step of allowing Covid-19 antibody tests to flood the market without review. The tests were billed as a critical tool to assess where the virus had spread and who might have immunity. Investigative reporting reveals that federal officials knew many of the antibody tests were seriously flawed but continued to allow them to be sold anyway.
Icon - Information California rolls back re-opening. Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom orders seven counties including Los Angeles to immediately close any bars and nightspots that are open and recommends eight other counties take action on their own to close those businesses.
Number US Cases: 2,452,048 | Number US Deaths: 124,811
Global Cases: 9,843,073 | Global Deaths: 495,760

June 29

Icon - Video Link New York Democratic Governor Cuomo holds press briefing on good news in containing the coronavirus pandemic in New York.
The Coronavirus task force compile documents showing 10 states were in the red zone, and that cases had surged in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. Vice President Pence continues to say “all 50 states are opening up safely and responsibly.”
Icon - Audio Information Link Audio-only interview with Dr. Rebekah Jones on Florida’s manipulation of COVID-19 data.
Dr. Anne Schuchat, principal deputy director of the CDC, announces the coronavirus is spreading too rapidly and too broadly for the U.S. to bring it under control  as some other countries have. Over the past several days, the U.S. has set records for daily new infections as outbreaks surge mostly across the South and West. Says Dr. Schuchat, “This is really the beginning.”
More than four months into the pandemic, nursing home caregivers say they have been largely left to fend for themselves even as coronavirus outbreaks continue to overwhelm facilities across the country. Tens of thousands of nursing home workers have contracted the coronavirus, and the federal government places the nationwide death toll at more than 500. But nursing home administrators have raised questions about the accuracy of the data. The count does not include coronavirus cases or deaths in other long-term care facilities, such as group homes and assisted-living centers.
Icon - reference linkThe leading trade group for New York City’s 41 Broadway theaters announces the theater shutdown will continue at least until January 3, 2021. Although some new productions have revealed plans for April and May 2021 openings few details have been made available about safety precautions that would make these events possible.
Icon - reference linkFlorida Gov. Ron DeSantis vetos the the entire $29.4 million budget for a suite of online education services that have become critical to students and faculty during the Covid-19 outbreak. The move kills the Complete Florida Plus Program, an array of online education services that faculty, staff and students throughout Florida rely on, including online courses and an online library that provides 17 million books to 1.3 million students, faculty and staff, effective at midnight. At least 2,000 adult learners could be cut off from their scholarships and 150 employees lose their jobs.
Jacksonville, Florida announces all residents and visitors will be required to wear masks outdoors and indoors in public spaces to help slow the spread of the coronavirus. This potentially complicates President Trump’s desire to hold the Republican National Convention there in August without masks or social distancing.
Gilead Sciences, the maker of the first covid-19 treatment found to have worked in clinical trials, remdesivir, will charge U.S. hospitals $3,120 for the typical patient with private insurance. Gilead said it will spend $1 billion to develop and manufacturer remdesivir by the end of 2020, and priced the drug to recoup it’s costs. Taxpayers spent at least $70 million developing the drug, and government scientists led the early drug discovery team. An independent analysis by the ICER said Gilead could recover its costs by distributing the drug for as little as $1 to $60 per dose. Other developed countries will pay 25 percent less than the United States.
Icon - related information ICER‘s Independent analysis of remdesivir pricing.
Icon - Information Arizona rolls back re-opening, orders the closing of bars, gyms, movie theaters and other businesses for 30 days.
Number US Cases: 2,496,628 | Number US Deaths: 125,318
Global Cases: 10,021,401 | Global Deaths: 499,913

June 30

Icon - Video Link Video of Dr. Anthony Fauci testifying at Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee hearing titled “COVID-19: Update on Progress Toward Safely Getting Back to Work and Back to School.”
Icon - related information Dr. Anthony Fauci testimony: “We are now having 40-plus thousand new cases a day. I would not be surprised if we go up to 100,000 a day if this does not turn around and so I am very concerned.”
Icon - related information Interview: Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (Republican) stated, “I don’t need his advice anymore,” discussing Dr. Anthony Fauci‘s testimony to Congress. “Fauci said today that he’s concerned about states like Texas that skipped over certain things. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. We haven’t skipped over anything. The only thing I’m skipping over is listening to him.” Today’s count of cases in Texas shows 6,975 new cases reported.
Icon - reference linkThe governors of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut will require 14-day self-quarantines for travelers from another eight states, bringing the total to sixteen states where the coronavirus is spreading rapidly.
Icon - reference linkThe US has bought up virtually all the stocks for the next three months of one of the two drugs proven to work against Covid-19, leaving none for the UK, Europe or most of the rest of the world. Remdesivir, the first drug approved by licensing authorities in the US to treat Covid-19, is made by Gilead and has been shown to help people recover faster from the disease. The Trump administration has now bought all of Gilead’s production for July and 90% of August and September.
Icon - reference linkPuerto Rico’s governor announces effective July 15, all passengers have to wear a mask and must take a molecular test 72 hours prior to their arrival and submit the results to officials at the airport. Those who refuse to do so, or tested positive, or do not have the test results available, will be forced into a two-week quarantine. During that time, they have to undergo a molecular test and share the results if they want to be released from quarantine.
Icon - reference linkStocks rise as Wall Street wrapped up its best quarterly performance in decades. The Dow Jones Industrial Average traded 100 points higher, or 0.4%. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite advanced 0.8% and 1.1%, respectively.
Icon - reference linkHours before the SBA‘s Paycheck Protection Program was set to expire, the Senate passed an extension to August 8. The program was set to expire with more than $130 billion in allocated funds unused. To date, more than 4.8 million small business owners have utilized the program, designed for companies to maintain their payrolls through the pandemic.
Total US Cases: 2,537,636 | Total US Deaths: 126,203 | Number New Cases: 41,008
Global Cases: 10,185,374 | Global Deaths: 503,862

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Working Notes

My working notes used to build the timeline events are available for download under a creative commons license

Coronavirus Timeline Working Notes (1984 downloads )

Meaning Of Icons

Meaning of icons used in the main timeline narrative. All icons are linked to their source reference:
General Information
Continuation of previous information, with a different reference
State-of-Emergency or Stay-At-Home Declared or Rescinded
Video Icon Provides a video clip
Icon - Audio Information Link Provides an audio clip
Provides a pop-up information window
– Move your mouse over a boldened acronym, name, or term, used in this timeline for an explanation
Icon Document Download Link for a Download File

Trump Twitter Tweets Defunct

This timeline cites a number of Twitter Tweets including those of then-President Trump. On January 8, 2021, Twitter deactivated President Trump’s Twitter account. This caused the citation links to become inactive.

Data Source for COVID-19 Cases in the United States

Starting this month I’m drawing my COVID-19 data for cases in the United States from the WHO Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Situation Report. In prior months I was drawing this data from the Wikipedia: COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. News sources are using the database maintained by John Hopkins University. I had chosen Wikipedia as my source as it provides historical data, whereas the John Hopkins data source only provides a daily snapshot. However, the Wikipedia data was increasingly out of alignment with other data sources on the low end, and does not appear to be accurately maintained.
As a result of this change in my data sources there is a large jump from May to June. When I have the time, I will go back and update previous months data for the United States.

Timeline Source Data File

I built this timeline from a set of working notes in spreadsheet format. At present, my working notes have 1247 news entries, in addition to other references that form my “Additional Reading” sidebar entries, and other source references. Not all these news items are published in this timeline, for various reasons. My notes are freely available under a Creative Commons license (BY SA) to any writer or researcher who finds this work useful.
Icon Document Download
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Coronavirus-Free Countries

As of June 8, there are nine counties that report being Coronavirus -free, that formerly reported cases. These countries are:
New Zealand – The South Pacific nation, with a population of five million, has had 1,154 confirmed Covid-19 cases and 22 deaths. There have been no new infections for 17 days (June 8).
Tanzania – The President claimed that his country is free of the coronavirus because of the power of prayer. However, the claim came six weeks after the African nation stopped publicly updating virus data. On 29 April, the last day official data was released, there were 509 cases, with 21 deaths (June 7).
The Vatican – There were 17 confirmed cases of coronavirus among the Vatican’s residents and employees; there were no associated deaths. All those infected tested negative (June 6).
Fiji – Declared itself free of the coronavirus after all 18 people who tested positive have recovered (June 5).
Montenegro – The prime minister declared the country coronavirus-free, a move vital for its Adriatic tourism industry, coming 69 days after it reported its first case and after 20 without a new case (May 24).
Seychelles – After 9 weeks of tirelessly battling the deadly Covid-19 worldwide pandemic, the small island holiday destination in the Indian Ocean with a population of less than a hundred thousand inhabitants is Covid-19 Free (May 18).
St Kitts and Nevis – The island of Nevis says it is “free” of the coronavirus after the island, which has a population of around 12,000 people, launched a series of aggressive measures to prevent the spread of the virus.
Timor-Leste – No active cases of covid-19 for the first time since its first confirmed case on March 21. The country has not registered a new case since April 24, despite testing a further 764 people (May 16).
Papua New Guinea – Acting Health Secretary Dr Paison Dakulala reported that all known cases have recovered, but stresses that they don’t know what they are fighting. 2,400 tests have been carried out with the bulk in Port Moresby (May 4).

Global COVID-19 Hotspots

As of June 10, the top COVID-19 Global Hotspots are:

  1. United States – 1,979,893 Cases
  2. Brazil – 739,503 Cases
  3. Russia – 493,023 Cases
  4. United Kingdom – 290,581 Cases
  5. India – 276,583 Cases
  6. Spain – 241,966 Cases
  7. Italy – 235,561 Cases
  8. Peru – 199,696 Cases
  9. France – 191,523 Cases
  10. Germany – 186,522 Cases

The United States continues to have the highest number of deaths of any country, now standing at 112,006.

Zero Recorded Coronavirus Deaths

Vietnam – one of the first countries to report active coronavirus cases on January 23, as of June 11 there are no reported coronavirus-related deaths despite a population of 96 million, and the economy is expected to grow 5% this year. However, the cost of this record is massive surveillance. Vietnam is described as a “surveillance state, where citizens are monitored online and by “standing armies of neighborhood wardens and public security officers who keep constant watch over city blocks.”

Bureau Labor Statistics Report

Document Download
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: “The impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on The Employment Situation for May 2020.” Includes an explanation of how the data modeling is performed

Congressional Letter

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Congressional letter from Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) to Dr. Robert Redfield and Dr. Robert Kadlec demanding answers about the awarding of a non-competitive, multimillion dollar contract for a data collection system that duplicates one already used by the CDC for collecting and disseminating COVID-19 data. Dated June 3.

NBER Determination of the February 2020 Peak in Economic Activity

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Explanation on how the Business Cycle Dating Committee of the National Bureau of
Economic Research (NBER) maintains a chronology of the peaks and troughs of U.S. business

European Union vs United States COVID-19 Cases

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Chart with Explanation

European Union Travel Bans

The European Union prepares to reopen borders on July 1, 2020. This is their list of banned and allowed countries.

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European Union Travel Advisories

Email Between Dr. Paul Alexander and Michael Caputo Mocking CDC Scientist

As reported by the New York Times, In late June Dr. Paul Alexander, a science adviser at the HHS, emailed Michael Caputo a scathing critique of an interview given by Dr. Anne Schuchat, a senior scientist at the CDC. The email shows how aides in Washington bullied and tried to silence the CDC at the height of the pandemic.
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Congressional Warning Letter

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A June 26 letter from House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC), who also serves as the chair of the House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Crisis, warning ranking member Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) that Republicans who refused to wear facial coverings during committee sessions would not be allowed to participate in the sessions.

Congressional Letter on EcoHealth Alliance Grant Cancelation

On April 24 the HHS abruptly canceled a long-running grant to the non-profit EcoHealth Alliance organization, which funded bat coronavirus research with a medical facility in Wuhan China. On June 26, four senators wrote to HHS Secretary Alex Azar requesting details on reason for the grant cancellation.
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Commentary By Chris Cuomo

June 30 commentary by CNN journalist Chris Cuomo. Too delicious to pass up.

Additional Reading

A case study published by the CDC on the spread of the Coronavirus through a summer camp held in Georgia during the month of June. Offers a detailed analysis of how the coronavirus spread through staff and campers.

SARS-CoV-2 Transmission and Infection Among Attendees of an Overnight Camp — Georgia, June 2020

Inside President Trump’s Tulsa, Oklahoma Rally

President Trump organized a presidential re-election campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. This was the first major public event since the start of the pandemic shutdown and was held against recommendations from numerous health officials. The rally was a political disaster and in a related event was the cause of Herman Cain’s death one month later. This article takes an inside look at this campaign rally.

Lawsuit Threats, Empty Seats, and a “COVID Mobile”: Trump’s Disastrous Tulsa Rally Was Even More of a Train Wreck Than Originally Thought

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